"Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet until drops of blood form on your forehead."
- Gene Fowler
Applying to College
The process of choosing — and getting into — the right college has changed. Demographics, the new economy, and the options and opportunities available may make the process seem more like a maze of questions than a straight road to the future.
We offer high school juniors, seniors, and transfer candidates private advisement that includes:
an initial meeting with the family to establish goals and a time-line
guidance and advocacy in cooperation with and support for regular school counseling
a list of potential colleges, help with the coordination of travel and visits, assistance where appropriate in the preparation of applications, and guidance to sources of financial aid
strategic planning and editorial guidance for application essays and personal statements
We can also offer specialized assistance where the applicant is searching for a particular match of academics and athletics, where non-traditional college options seem best, or where a student's present college selection is an unsuccessful match.
We are acknowledged experts. Our experience ranges across many educational areas: advisement, coaching, writing, teaching, counseling, admissions, enrollment planning, data analytics, professional development. We look forward to sharing our combined knowledge with you.
Essays are one of our specialty. But we do not write essays, offer models or topics, or line-edit drafts. We steer writers away from the hopeless search for "what Admissions wants to hear" toward a clear sense of what they want to say. Click here for a Tip on Revising, just one of the skills we emphasize with writing clients.
Armed with a clear sense of what the college needs to know, the business of composing an essay or two is the work of several hours, not several months. And finding the right college isn't hard either...with good help. Our services empower clients and their families to become informed consumers in the competitive market of higher education. It's all about deciding not where you can "get in" but rather where you want to go, where you will flourish, and what lucky school is going to get all your talent and time for the next four years.